Wow, I never thought when I started doing a blog that I wouldn't be able to post frequently. I guess my life is busier than I thought it was! I should know that because I have been feeling overwhelmed everyday. I never seem to be caught up and I just feel like I am sinking little by little in this great big ocean and I will never get to the top and see the sunshine again! I am behind in everything! I just can't do it all...although I want to and feel like I should be able to. I finally went grocery shopping yesterday because we literally had nothing in this house. Our refrigerator had 2 eggs, 2 apples, some onions, condiments, Bailey's, milk and some pedialite in it...hardly anything to make a meal out of! Laundry...that's another thing that I will never be caught up on! I swear it grows by itself in my laundry area! Emails...did I mention that I have almost 200 that I haven't read yet? And I'm not sure I will even be able to read them any time soon! There are also so many other things that I need to do and I just can't get to them! I've been getting up at 5 am to get some things done before I go to work and even thought it's helping, I tire out earlier at night. I just feel pulled in so many directions and I'm feeling like I will never be caught up and I will never be able to relax and enjoy life again. Just the thought of Christmas makes me start to hyperventilate and this is my favorite time of the year! I need to SIMPLIFY my life! I need to do it now! Where do I start? HELP!
Have Fun!