Saturday, September 30, 2006

Book Fair, Candles & Grilled Cheese!

I have so many things to share so I am lumping them all together in one post. I hope you can keep up!

Allison had her first book fair this week at school. Since I am off on Wednesdays, I was able to take her to school and shop with her before school started. It was so cute to see her in her school. I met a little girl in her class named Elizabeth and she and Allison showed me all of their classmates first artwork. All of it was laminated and hanging on the wall across from her classroom. We then walked down to the gym where the book fair was held. Allison spotted Derek (yet another "boyfriend") walking down the hall with a couple of other boys. She said in her sweetest voice "Hi Derek!" and that little boy ignored her! You should have seen the look on her face! She was just heartbroken! My heart ached for her but I quickly changed the subject as to not give it too much attention and she was fine. What I really wanted to do was to say "Hey kid! My daughter said hello to you!" I am hoping he just didn't hear her. I can't imagine they start playing the "I'm too cool to say hi to you because I am with my guy friends" game in Kindergarten.

These are the books that Allison picked out. The A-Z Horse Dictionary book she picked over the bug book! I was extremely happy about that! The Bible stories book is really cool and comes with 2 cds of songs that she will be able to listen to when she falls asleep at night. The last book is cool and not only has a story but came with stickers and activities to do. The pages are shiny and it came with a dry erase marker so she can do it over and over again. I also got a book too! It is a recipe book called "Silly Snacks." It has a lot of cute, fun ideas in it for kids. I thought I could do some of them when she has a friend over and I can be the "cool Mom!" Here is just one example of Monster Mouths....isn't it cute? Some of the other recipes are "Purple Cow Jumped Over the Moon" shakes, "Little Piggy Pies", "Silly Snake Sandwich" and "Mud Cups." I can't wait to try some out!
Have you ever burned a Home Interiors' candle? If you haven't, you don't know what you are missing! They are wonderful! I burn them all the time and here are a few of their current candles in a jar. Right now I have Spiced Cider burning in the kitchen and the whole house smells awesome! It smells like Fall. Another one that is new that I got this year is this one. The colors are more vibrant in person than on the computer. As soon as I took it out of the box, Allison said "MOM, it looks like candy corn!" and it does! You should check them out and get some. You can even get them for FREE! I do! I take a candle brochure into work with me and they sell themselves. In fact, people ask me when am I going to be selling candles again. I earn credit by selling them and can pick from candles or anything else in the Home Interiors line. I usually just stock up my stash of candles that I keep in my basement.

Hmmmm! Grilled Cheese...and of course, Campbell's Tomato Soup! You know it's Fall when you make this lunch. Allison loves it just as much as I did when I was a kid! Okay, true confession here! When I was old enough to start making it for myself, I used to pretend that I was taping a cooking show and I was the star! LOL! I can't believe I just typed that! It must have been the beginning of my love of cooking shows. I love watching the cooking shows on Food Network. Allison loves them too. Rachel Ray is her favorite. She will sit and stare at the television and study everything she's doing. Hmm, maybe I have a future chef on my hands...or at least someone to help me cook dinners when she gets older!

Have Fun!

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
Dr. Seuss

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Allison's Memory Verse for this week!

"Serve the Lord with gladness."
Psalm 100:2

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

This Update is for Auntie Leonore!

I received an email the other day from Leonore. Leonore is one of my online scrapbooking friends and loves keeping up with all of her cyber nieces and nephews. She said that I left her hanging with the news of Allison's new boyfriend. I had promised to give more later in a previous blog post but then I never updated. The pictures were at Grandma's house and it wasn't worth posting without the pictures. So this is for you Auntie Leonore!

On August 26th my friend Sherie got married. It was an outdoor wedding on the farm where her husband's grandparents lived. Sherie and Jimmy live there now and it was the perfect setting for a beautiful country wedding. Allison had never been to a wedding before and this was the perfect one for her to go outdoor one.

She was so excited to go but who would have thought that it not only was a wedding but the day of her newest crush! Yes, I said NEWEST crush. She's a little flirt and loves the boys! NO, she doesn't get that from me at all! It must in her genes because her Daddy can be a flirt too...he's going to kill me for posting that! Anyway, as we were standing in line for the buffet, Sherie and her stepson, Will were walking by us. I had stopped her to ask something and Allison said something to Will. I didn't hear it but he looked up at Sherie and she said "Go ahead" to him. Allison then took his hand and they started to walk in the field hand in hand. She had asked him to go for a walk! How about that?!? He's an older man!!! She just turned 5 in July and he is 10! What is THAT all about?!?

After dinner, the dancing music started and Allison showed no shyness and was the first out on the floor with Sherie's niece Maddie. I didn't even know she knew that there would be dancing at a wedding but she just jumped right in. I am not sure what she is doing here but it's too funny not to post.

Then the slow songs started and she wanted to dance with Will. He was such a trooper and danced with her and some of the other little girls. Allison is just so infatuated with him. You can see by the look on her face in this picture that she is as she says "a little in love." Too cute...but scary if this is a peek into our future! The next day (Sunday), I asked her if she wanted to go to Grandma's since Saturday is usually her day to go visiting. Her reply was, "Yes, I couldn't go yesterday because I had my big date with Will." What????? I think I'm in trouble! I asked her why she wanted to dance with him and she said "because he looked handsome in that outfit." What????? Where did she come up with that?!?

Fast forward to a couple of weekends later. Allison and I went out on a Saturday to a couple of yard sales. After the last one she asked where we were going next. I told her home. She asked if we could go visit Will so she wouldn't have to remember what he looked like! Have I mentioned that I am TIRED of hearing about Will?!?!? He's a nice young man and all but give me a break! She is FIVE...not fifteen!

Have Fun!

“If this is a crush, then I don't know if I could take the real thing if it happens.”

Tough Day at School?

This is what I came home to last night. My exhausted little girl crashed out on Daddy's chair listening to her cd player. She may be a "big girl" because she goes to school and has a booster seat in the car but she is still my precious little baby.

Why do they have to grow up?

Have Fun!

"No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap."
~Carrie Snow

Sunday, September 24, 2006

1 Hour 35 minutes...

...until the season premiere of Desperate Housewives! Love this show! I've been waiting for this night! It's my escape from reality for just one hour a week! I better go get my chores done so I can give the ladies my undivided attention!

This hotty isn't bad for the eyes either!

Have Fun!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Allison's Memory Work

Each week on Monday or Tuesday, Allison's teacher sends home her memory work. She is to memorize a bible verse and recite it to the teacher every Friday. I got to thinking that it would be a good addition to my blog. So with that being said, here is this week's verse:

"Every good promise of the Lord your God has come true."
Joshua 23:15

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

Today is my man's birthday! Happy Birthday Curtis! I am glad you are in my life! I love you!

Allison and I made him a Boston cream pie for his cake. Allison wanted to put thirtysomething candles on his cake and finally after searching everywhere, I came up with just enough. Curtis wasn't too happy with all the candles but he gets no sympathy from me! He takes every opportunity to tease me about the fact that I am older than him so this was one time that he gets to feel old! Do you see the funny car on his cake? It was Allison's decorative touch!

Have Fun!

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.

~ Oprah Winfrey

Sunday, September 10, 2006

I'm Still Here!

I've just been really busy. I went back to work this past week and I'm trying to balance everything and keep us on a schedule so I don't lose my mind! I went to bed at 8:20 pm on Friday night and didn't wake until 7 am Saturday morning. I think the week caught up with me. I'm going to run now and finish up some laundry and cleaning before Allison and Curtis get home from his parents' house. I will try to post later about Allison's new "boyfriend" that she is "a little in love with" but for now, here is a picture of one of our roses. Curtis gave me this rose bush a few years ago for Mother's Day and this is the second year we've had roses. This is the 17th from the bush and we should have one more this week. It was supposed to be yellow but isn't the salmon beautiful? Yes, those are raindrops on the petals. It was raining the day Curtis took the picture. I wasn't home but he did a good job, didn't he. I think my obsession with photos is rubbing off on him!

Have Fun!

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
William Shakespeare (1564 — 1616), "Romeo and Juliet", Act 2 scene 2

Friday, September 01, 2006

All Things Grow with Love!

I just went outside to do my fall clean-up on the back deck but I can't do it. My flowers and plants are just thriving and I just can't get rid of them yet! I moved a couple of the pots to the front so we can appreciate them more until the very end of the season. I am sure by then, I'll be ready to put the cornstalks and mums out for fall. Click here to see what the pots looked like at the beginning of the summer and here they are now and, as always, you can click on the image to enlarge:

Have Fun!

"Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine to the soul."
Luther Burbank