Thursday, May 31, 2007
A Hello from a Bad Blogger!
1. I worked on Memorial Day. It was my usual long Monday but I came home to this on my window sill. I do love that little girl. I love Curtis too for picking them for her to give to me. I am sure he tried talking her out of it because they are the thorniest roses I have ever seen! I was admiring them at his Mom's the day before and had to just sniff with my nose because I didn't want to get pricked.
2. Allison's birthday is in the middle of July so she misses having a birthday during the school year. However, her teacher suggested that we celebrate it anytime during the school year. So I made cupcakes and yesterday I took the cupcakes, a cooler full of juice boxes, party plates and napkins and was at the school for snack time at 10:30. I had a blast with those kids! They are so funny! There were 3 different colored gum drops on the top of the cupcakes and Ian or Joshua (not sure which) HAS to have the color green! I'm not kidding...the whole class told me so! The teacher told me that he had a meltdown one day when they had to color a box on their math paper red. He threw a fit and cried and cried because he couldn't color it green. Poor kid! Poor Parents! Poor teacher! Too funny! And I thought Allison was obsessive about pink!
3. Speaking of Allison's birthday, I rented a pavillion at the local park. We were looking at them the other day when we were at the park. I mentioned it to a friend at work and the next day she asked me if I had rented it yet. I hadn't. She encouraged me to do it soon because I may not get one. THANK goodness I listened to her! I went yesterday and looked at them all. I stopped by the office and they are almost all booked up for the Summer! They only had 2 left on the day that I wanted. One doesn't have electric or water...NO thank you! The other one was tied with another one for my first choice! Yippee! I scooped it right up! How happy was I? How happy is Curtis that he doesn't have to clean the basement? We are a happy family!!! So for my family and friends who read my blog, the date is Sunday, July 15th. I'll be sending "save the date" notices out soon! Any ideas what this year's theme is going to be???
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
So Sweet!
When I picked Allison up from the bus today, she got off holding a paper vase. It was made from a piece of 8 1/2 X 11 copy paper that had been printed with a picture on it and then it was colored. It was folded into a flat 2 sided vase. It held these flowers but they were not standing up. They were completely wilted. She was so excited to hand them to me and I thought how sweet! She said that she picked them at recess and that her teacher helped her make the vase. I asked her if all the kids picked flowers today and she said "No, just me." She said she was allowed to pick flowers and bring them into the classroom as long as they weren't the ones the teacher was allergic to. When walked into the house she told me that I had to put them into water. Even though they were wilted and dead looking, I did as she said. We then went to the playground and when we came home, these beautiful flowers welcomed us! Amazing! I would have thrown them out behind her back because they were all wilted but she was right in front of me telling me to put them in water. If I did that I would have missed their beauty! Thank you sweet Allison for making Mommy see God's wonderful work!
One more thing I would like to share that was sweet about Allison today. We were outside and my neighbor and I were talking. Allison was playing in the yard. My neighbor asked Allison if she liked Kindergarten and she said yes. I asked her what her favorite part of school was and she said Chapel. So sweet!
Have Fun!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
A Musical and Classes for Men!
This next part of my post is something I received in an email. It was just too funny not to share with all of you out there. I am sure you could sign your men up for one or more of the classes. Enjoy!
Upon completion of any of the above courses, diplomas will be issued to the survivors.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Dinner and A Movie!
Curtis did his prep work the night before so we would have time to watch the whole movie before Allison had to go to bed. He made stuffed shells, mixed vegetables and Texas garlic toast. YUMMY! It was awesome! He even packed me leftovers for lunch today at work. So sweet! It's usually me that packs him leftovers. I loved getting a break from the dinner responsibilities! Thank you Honey!!!!
The movie Curtis picked was Disney's Mighty Joe Young. Adorable! It is rated PG so I had my reservations but Allison loved it. I did cover her eyes one time because it showed something I didn't want her to see. It was only for about 3 seconds. If you haven't seen this movie, I suggest you rent it. I teared up 12 minutes into it and cried like a baby at the end. It kept all of our attention the whole 114 minutes. It's a must see!
Have Fun!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
A New Ride, Homemade Gifts, More Lilacs & A Perfect Report!
I'm going to apologize now for jumping around with a few subjects. Even though I haven't had time to post, I have had lots to share.
First, I would like to introduce you to my new ride "Black Beauty". Isn't she pretty? I know it's probably silly but I am so excited to have her that I just had to share. You see it's been 9 years since I have had a new car. "Emmie" (short for Emerald) is nine years old and has 188,000 miles on her. She's been a great friend but is getting a little tired these days and sometimes she would rather take a nap than get me to where I need to go. That's okay, my old body knows just how she feels so I understand. No need to worry though, Emmie is staying in the family. She just got a younger sister to take on more of the responsibility. I'll keep Emmie until she goes to her eternal resting place and use her when Allison is not with me. I don't mind if she strands me on the side of the road but I don't want Allison with me when she decides to take a break.
Black Beauty or Beauty for short is a Dodge Caravan and I think she'll make a nice addition to our family. However, I was sitting at a stop sign the other day along side some store windows and saw our reflection. It's official.....I'm a MIDDLE AGED least that what I looked like! Heck, I had a hard time going from 2 doors to 4 when I bought Emmie. THIS is definitely a reality check! I guess as long as I keep a young spirit, I'll be okay. Allison loves Beauty...okay, maybe it's the DVD player she loves but we are happy. Well, most of us anyway. Curtis is having a hard time having a minivan be the family car. I guess it makes him feel old. He'll adjust.
One last thing on this subject before I move on to the next. How many of you name your vehicles? Curtis thinks I'm nuts. I have found in talking to others, I'm not the only nut that has a personal relationship with her car. There are many of us out there. I spend 2 hours in my car on work days and when Allison has Summer vacation, I'll be spending 3 hours a day in my car....why shouldn't we be on a first name basis?!?
How was your Mother's Day? Mine was great! It started out with Allison and Curtis making and serving me breakfast in bed! This was the first time EVER that I have had breakfast in bed and boy was it a treat! It was the best part of my day! It made me feel like a queen! After breakfast Allison and I headed over to my parents to surprise my Mom. My sister, Alesia, put the whole thing together and didn't want me to do anything for it but show up. She cooked steaks out on the grill, made twiced baked potatoes and green beans almondine. If you knew my sister, this was a huge accomplishment. She does not cook and being an accountant, she needs exact measurements and can't just throw things together. She has to have things precise and exact so putting this whole thing together took a lot of effort on her part. It was really sweet of her to do it for me and my Mom an I appreciate it. It's nice being pampered.
Below is what I made for my Mom and sister for Mother's Day. My sister is Allison's Godmother so we always get her a gift too. She is single with no children but spoils my daughter so I like to thank her for that when I can. The photo cubes were easy to make and they loved them. I made them almost the same for each of them except the picture at the top. Curtis helped me by cutting the wood into blocks. Thanks Honey! I love you! It's been a while since I scrapbooked so it felt really good to sit down and be creative. Once I get my Spring cleaning and decluttering done, I plan on finding the time to do more scrapbooking. I think I better start on Allison's "School Years" scrapbook since Kindergarten is almost over!
Here is a picture of the lilacs I cut from my Mom's bush on Sunday. Aren't they beautiful? They are French and so deep purple. They are starting to die so I took a quick picture to show all of you. I put them in my kitchen window this morning. The light breeze coming thru the screen is filling my house with their wonderful aroma. Speaking of the screen, can you see at the bottom where it is bent? Yes, I did that. I locked us out of the house when I went to get Allison at the bus stop last week. I had to pop the screen out and put her through the window. How embarrassing! She loved it! She couldn't wait to tell Daddy! Betrayer!
I've saved the best for last! Allison has had some trouble in Kindergarten. Not academically. Her teacher tells us she is at the top of the class in academics. It's behavioral and social. Which is understandable since she has never been in a structured environment or with other kids until Kindergarten. Mrs. X (not her real name...just trying to be protective) said she has never had anyone quite like her. Her exact words are that she is a "hard case." Allison is very independent, bull headed, strong willed and stubborn. Before you think it, I'll admit it...the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! It's so funny because she is they tiniest thing in the class but has the biggest personality. For example, if she is not done with coloring a paper, she will not stop when Mrs. X says to put the papers and crayons away so they can move on to the next subject. She wants to finish and she is determined to finish it. She tested Mrs. X every day. Mrs. X, Curtis and I have struggled on what to do. Do we hold her back? Do we let her go to 1st grade with these issues? Who knows? There has been no easy answers. All three of us have turned this over in our heads over and over again. If we hold her back, Mrs. X said she will write a whole new curriculum for her because she can't repeat the academics. She has excelled in them all and would be bored if she repeated them. But then if she is working on her own program, will she be able to feel like she is part of the group or feel that she is different? If we let her go to 1st grade before she is ready, will she have trouble in every grade or will she catch up? Well, after the first half of the year, we all pretty much put it in Allison's hands. Below is a weekly progress report that every student in every grade receives every week. I love it! There are no surprises come report card day because we know how she is doing week to week. The items are checked if she falls short in those categories. Towards the end of the first half of the year, Allison had quite a few checked each week. Never the ones that deal with academics but the ones that deal with behavior and social skills. This was very stressful for us all. I hated those weeks! This is when we put it in Allison's hands. Curtis and I told her that she could have a kitten if she brought 3 weekly progress reports home with no checks on it. This seemed impossible but it was the "carrot" that we chose to dangle in front of her. The only problem with the report is that if she misbehaved on Tuesday and we don't receive the report until the following Monday, it was too late to address the problem with Allison. Mrs. X suggested that she send a little strip of paper home each day with a mini report of how she was for the day. She already did this for 3 other students so we agreed. This seemed to work but we still needed more. Mrs. X then suggested that Allison go on a "chip program" that she used with other students. Allison would start the day with 8 chips (circles of construction paper). Throughout the day she could lose a chip if she didn't listen or did something she wasn't supposed to do. She could also earn them back for doing something good. It would be reported on her daily slip if she lost any or kept all. Mrs. X. told us that she needed us to come up with a consequence & reward chart to go along with the chip program. We did and based on the number of chips she loses for the day, there will be a consequence when she comes home or if she kept all of them, she would get a reward. Some of the consequences are a time out on her bed for 15 minutes to think about how she could have been better in school, no TV, no CD at bedtime, bedtime a half an hour early, etc.. Some of the rewards are makes something special with Mom in the kitchen, a bike ride with Dad, a trip to the playground, etc.. The chip program makes her behavior and actions measurable. Allison now has something tangible to see how she is doing and where she needs to improve. This program has been a blessing. Mrs. X has been a blessing. Allison is a totally different child in school. Mrs. X said she has completely turned around. She said that she can see that Allison really cares about how she does now and works hard to keep all of her chips. I am happy to report that the progress report that you see below is Allison's 3rd perfect report and she will be getting her kitten the week before school ends. SHE DID IT! I knew she could! She just needed to "get with the program" and learn what is expected of her in school. She also has grown up so much since the beginning of school so I'm sure that helped too. Mrs. X felt that her just turning 5 before school started may have been an issue with her too. She just wasn't mature enough to handle how her whole world changed at once and what was now expected of her in school. Hopefully this is all behind us and she'll have a great year in 1st grade next year!
Have Fun!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
My Ba Ba's Platter and My Wednesday's Jackpot!
Speaking of my kitchen and shades of green, pink and purple, let's get to Wednesday's jackpot! I ran errands all day on Wednesday and was just about to go home but I thought maybe I would stop at Goodwill first. I had milk in the car so I knew I could only go in for a few minutes so I thought what the heck. Well I hit the JACKPOT! First, I found 3 blue and 3 white Tupperware Freezer Mates with lids. I like making a big batch of pasta sauce and freezing it for later. I had been using these plastic containers that we get when we order Chinese food but they are round and fall over frequently. They weren't working for me. I had wanted the freezer mates but when I did a Tupperware party in January, they weren't carrying them at that time. I also got 4 of the Tupperware "Round 2" Modular Mates with 2 lids. I use mostly Modular Mates in my cupboards so I picked these up. I'll use the two without lids for Allison's markers and such. Next I picked up a couple of coffee mugs with roosters on them. Too cute and we can always use cheap coffee mugs around here. The next item is the white compote/goblet thing in the picture. I have two big ones that are similiar. One I use for pens and pencils on the computer cart and the other one is on my scrapbooking table with scrapbooking goodies in it. This smaller one will accompany the big one on my scrapbooking table to hold more goodies. I'm sure you can't miss the smiley face cup in the picture. I picked this up for a gift and it will soon be on it's way out of my kitchen...although I can't help smiling every time I see it! And lastly as I was just about to leave the Goodwill, I looked down at the bottom shelf and saw a box with newspapers and dishes in it. My heart skipped a beat! It was my Pfaltzgraff dishes that have been retired for years! I have a set of 8 and have always wanted 4 more to make it a set of 12. Here was my chance! I started unwrapping the treasures one by one and found 4 dinner plates, 4 salad/dessert plates and 4 saucers. There were no cups and no bowls. At first I was a little disappointed but then I thought about it and I probably would never even use 12 coffee cups and I probably wouldn't be using bowls either if I would be serving 12 people. I am glad the saucers were there though. They don't have a deep grove for the coffee cup so they work nicely for bread and butter plates. Also in the box was the divided relish tray/dish. They price the box all as one so maybe this was a bonus? Who knows but I don't have a relish tray/dish so this was a nice surprise in the bottom of the box.
So, do you have a guess on how much my quick stop at Goodwill cost me? Take a guess and then look below!
$10.53! Woooo Hoooo!!! I couldn't believe it! The dinner plates alone are $9.95 if you are able to get them on Pfaltzgraff's website. They carry some items from time to time. The Pfaltzgraff dishes and the relish tray/dish were all $5.99...for the WHOLE box! I had to blink to make sure I saw that correctly! It was a HAPPY DAY for me! In fact, I'm still HAPPY about it!
Have Fun!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Typical Allison!
Have Fun!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Flowers for Someone Really Special!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
A Quick Hello and A Problem Solved!
I've had this corner in my living room to the right of the entertainment center that has been empty since we took the Christmas tree down. I had decided that I wasn't putting back what I had there before Christmas after Christmas. However, I haven't been able to find anything that I liked. So day after day night after night I looked at the empty corner knowing I would find something eventually. It has to be exactly what I love before I do anything. I'll stare at the blank wall or space before I do something I don't just love. Anyway, this is what I came up with and I am very pleased. It helps me incorporate more black into my living room. They always say that you should use a color in at least three places in your room so this is my third place for black. My bookcase/wall unit, my little redone table and now my mirror. The shelf has a little drawer and is actually an espresso finish and blends well with the mirror. It looks cherry in the picture but it doesn't in real life. The plant also looks small in the picture but it fills the space nicely. It's hard to put anything in that corner since my heat/ac register is on the wall behind it.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
A Table Makeover and Patriotic Fun Stuff!
Have Fun!