Friday, April 09, 2010

I'm Lovin' Cousins!

It's "I'm Lovin' it Fridays" at Tidy Mom and this week,

I'm Lovin' Cousins!

This picture was taken on this past Easter Sunday. It's of my Allison on the left and my brother's daughter, Mya, on the right. They were born in the same week. Allison on a Monday and then Mya on Friday.

I love that they love each other and can't wait to see each other. We live about an hour apart so they don't get to see each other a whole lot. Hopefully this summer will be different. She has two cousins on my side and 11 on Daddy's side but they live all over the country so we don't get to see them too often. :(

I love it when they first see each other! It's squeals and chatter that never seems to stop! Since Allison is an only child, I'm glad they are building a bond because it will last her a lifetime.

We didn't live anywhere close to any of my cousins which now makes me sad. I wish we were closer to family but it didn't work out that way. Oh well, that's in the past now.

I do remember I couldn't wait for holidays! Yes, Santa and the Easter Bunny was top on my list but what I remember most was playing with my cousins when we went back home to where my parents grew up to visit family.

Good times. Good, good times!

I believe I had around 15 cousins on my Dad's side but these are the cousins I remember most. They were the same or around our ages and I can remember laughing and playing for hours!

Top row: Cousin Mark, Cousin Carla, my sister, Alesia, Cousin Bryan.
Bottom row: Me, Cousin Patti and my brother, Albert.

There were only 3 cousins on my Mom's side. This picture shows two of them since my brother and their brother wasn't born yet.

Left to right: My sister, Alesia, Cousin Kimmy, Me and Cousin Debbie.
I have wonderful memories with all of my cousins and although I don't see them or talk to them very much these days, they all hold a special place in my heart.

I can only pray for Allison to feel the same way!

Click on the button below to see what others are lovin' today!
Have Fun!

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Home is. . .An Easter Memory!

Hey Friends!

If you are here for Part 4 of the "Binders Can Organize Your Life" Series, I'm sorry but I've moved it to next Wednesday. I tried and tried to upload the pics yesterday and last night and nothing. :( I don't have time to mess with it today so please come back next week. I promise if I have to take my sd card to Walmart, have them printed and then scan them so that I can do the entry next week, then that is exactly what I will do!

So. Today over at Sandy's Reluctant Entertainer site, it's "Home is. . ." day and the theme is an Easter memory.

There are lots of memories from Sunday as it was a wonderful and beautiful day!

However, I think the most we laughed was when Curtis, my brother, Albert, and I played kick ball with the three kids. THANK GOODNESS there are no pictures of that!

Another belly laugh moment was when I gave my sister's dog, Ginger, her treat bag. I just set it down and opened the zippered bag inside so she could smell it. She went crazy trying to get to it because, of course, Aunt Cindi gets her the best treats! I get them for her every holiday at a local pet store. Some lady sells her homemade dog treats dipped in yogurt there and Ginger just loves them!

Ooohhh! What in there?

I've got to get it out of that bag!

Hmm, maybe it will just jump out.
Come on little treat of yumminess! Come to Ma Ma!

Well, that didn't work!
I guess I'm just going to have to go in and get it myself!

Aunt Cindi is the best!

I know. . . it's a silly Easter memory but Ginger is a part of the family and the kid's loved watching her dig for her treat.

Click below to see what other Easter memories were made this year.

Have Fun!

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Saturday, April 03, 2010

286 with Google Reader!

Yes, 286!

That's 286 blog updates that were in my Google Reader when I opened it up this morning!

If you don't know what Google Reader is, it's a website where all of the new posts from the blogs I follow are collected so I don't have to click on each blog separately. It's really been a time saver for me since I follow so many blogs. I can just zip right through them. I can also "star" items that I like for future reference. Another feature I just discovered is that I can search for an item from just the blogs that I have in my reader. . . which is really nice because it cuts out all of that extra stuff that you get when you google something.

Anyway. If you are thinking that I read 286 blogs and there are 286 posts, your sadly mistaken. I will say that I probably follow over 125 blogs which may sound like it takes up a lot of time but it doesn't with Google Reader. Did you notice that I say "follow" the blogs and not read them? If it's a post that doesn't interest me like let's say a salmon recipe, I move on to the next blog post. It's just as you would do reading a magazine or the newspaper. I also like that I can read a few and then come back at a later time and it keeps my place so to speak. I mean, I can find exactly where I left off and not click on a blog to see if it's been updated only to find out that I've read everything on there.

I guess you could say that Google Reader is sort of like a magazine or all my favorite magazines rolled into one. It has decorating ideas, recipes, gardening, crafts, family & child ideas, entertaining, tips, money saving ideas and all of my other interests all in one place . . . and all by my favorite writers that I've come to trust over the years!

Here is sort of what it looks like. I found this image on google images. It shows you on the left the items that you follow and then on the right is where each post is shown. You can click on the post to go to the site if you want to leave a comment. If there is a way to leave a comment while in Google Reader, I haven't figured that out. If any of you know out there in blogland, please let me know!

Have Fun!

Friday, April 02, 2010

I'm Lovin' My At Home Instant Manicure!

You know when you go to the salon to have a manicure and they rub that stuff all over your hands that makes them feel amazing? You know the stuff. That special product they have that gets rid of all the dead skin cells and moisturizes your hands with all those essential oils?

Ya, THAT stuff!

Isn't it wonderful?

Yes, I love it too but going to the salon every week for that is not in my budget nor do I have the time to spare every week either.

Not to worry, though! I found. . . well okay, my BFF, Susan, found an at home treatment that I think is even better!

Here's my pic. Yes I know. It's a bad pic. The lighting was bad, the camera wasn't cooperating and I was getting frustrated! So, I went to the company's website and "borrowed" their pics of the products. What? I know I didn't ask but I'm giving them credit so I think it should be okay. As you an see the packaging has changed a little but the product is still the same.

The first product is the "Instant Manicure" and this is the stuff that is AMAZING! All you do is open the container, stir it around with a spoon because the oils and salts settle, spoon a 1/2 teaspoon into the palm of your hand, rub it gentle all over your hands and cuticles, rinse with warm water, pat dry and apply the "Extreme Repair" hand creme below. You will be shocked at how wonderful your hands feel and smell! I keep mine by my kitchen sink and do the treatment at least once a week. You can even use the product on your elbows or feet if you like.
Photo Credit: Beauticontrol

Here's what BeautiControl has to say about their "Instant Manicure" product: "BC Spa Manicure Instant Manicure softens and moisturizes your hands and cuticles with Dead Sea salts that gently exfoliate dead skin cells. You will experience the wonders of natural oils as they nourish, moisturize and help protect your hands and nails. Made with a variety of organic oils to create a protective barrier; amino acids to promote nail growth and add strength to nails and cuticles, this product is perfect for anyone who is experiencing dry, flaky and chapped hands."

Photo Credit: Beauticontrol

And here is what they say about their "Extreme Repair" hand creme: "The skin on your hands is especially susceptible to damage. That's why we've created BC Spa Manicure Extreme Repair Hand Creme. With this amazing product, you can soften and smooth your hands while delivering moisture to protect against dehydration and the signs of future damage."

As you can see I LOVE these products! They are superb products at a great price. I don't thing you could go wrong if you treat yourself to both of these. You can order them online through BeautiControl or email me and I can hook you up with my Spa Consultant.

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to stop over at Tidy Mom's place by clicking on the button below to see what others are lovin' on this Friday!
Have Fun!