Saturday, January 10, 2009

My Saturday So Far!

I'm having trouble getting things crossed off of my "To Do" list today.
I can't seem to get motivated to do my chores.
You see there's a beautiful thing happening outside today and I keep going to the window and door to look out. I feel like a kid in a candy store!
It's just beautiful!
This is the view from my front door.

Here is a close-up of one of the trees in the woods beside us. I just love how the snow lays on the branches as if it's hugging each one of them.

Here is my front walk to the parking lot. I don't know if you can really see how high the snow is on either side of the walk. I think we have about 8 inches right now. The front porch and the walk have been shoveled 6 times today...4 by me, 1 by our service & 1 by our neighbor. I'm sure there will be more since it's supposed to go on until 6 A.M. tomorrow morning. :)

We are the end unit in a row of townhouses. Ours is the last one in by the woods. We love it here. It's so quiet and secluded. I only wish it was bigger and we had more space (but that's another post.) Anyway, we all park our cars in front of our units but not last night. We knew this snow was coming so we all parked on the opposite side of the lot. We do this in preparation for the snow plow. When we hear him start plowing on our side, we all run out and start to clean our cars so we can move them back to in front of our units and then he plows that side. This was a feat today! I think there is more than 8 inches of snow out there! It really wasn't so bad doing it today even with all that snow. All of our neighbors help each other. It makes it go so much faster. As you can see, we moved them all back over there. We know he'll be back. He'll come back to plow the next however many inches that are still coming!

Look at all that snow on the bush that I hate that I am taking out this Spring!
LOL! I say "I" like I'm really going to take it out myself!

Have Fun!


  1. Man that's pretty snow. I so miss a good snowstorm (occasionally). So, did you get a snow day?

  2. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Hi Cindi....We have 6 or 7 inches and it is 10:00 pm, I would say you got more than us, your pics are very pretty the snow is really pretty, I wish it would stay off roads!!!!! I bet Allison can't wait to get out to play in the snow.

  3. It sure is gorgeous. I know what you mean. It's hard to focus on the day to day when it's so pretty outside.

  4. I love snow!
    Wonderful winter! Beautiful family!
    Cute cats!
