Friday, January 02, 2009

Soft Skin Give-A-Way!

A little over a month ago I posted about two new finds that will help with my dry Winter skin. I usually don't do product reviews but I was amazed by both of the lotions. You can read the post here if you missed it.

As a result of that post I was contacted about the history of the Vaseline Clinical Therapy lotion. It's a very interesting story about a lady named Petal in Kodiak, Alaska. She was asked to use and "prescribe" it to anyone she thought would need it. Click here to read about Petal yourself. You can also click here to see some of the residents of Kodiak and their experience with Vaseline Clinical Therapy lotion.

So. Are you wondering why I am posting about a lotion again? I know. I don't like repetitive posts on blogs either BUT LET ME TELL YOU!!!! This lotion needs another post! My skin is in love with it! Usually by this time in our Winter season, my elbows are dry and snag the inside of the sleeves of my shirts, my hands are so dry that the corners of my thumbs crack and bleed and my legs are so scaly you would think that I was a fish and not a human!

Not any more! My skin is hydrated and so soft! Almost as smooth as a baby's butt....well okay not that smooth but you know what I am trying to say. :) They claim this lotion is as close as you can get to a prescription lotion. I believe it! It seriously heals your damaged and dry skin and you don't have to apply it over and over and over again for it to work. It really is a miracle for those of us with dry skin and it's not greasy!

Also because of my previous post I was given the opportunity to "prescribe" it to family and friends that I thought might like it too. Wow! What a response I got! They love it too! I didn't even get to keep a bottle of it for myself! Some of their comments were...."it makes my legs so soft" "even if I miss a day, it still works" "it's amazing" "it's not greasy at all" "it's such a light fragrance" and the comments go on and on.

Now for the good stuff. If you go to their website, you can print a $1.00 off coupon AND you can also enter to win an 8 day Alaska Rail/Sea/Air adventure for 4! Wait! Maybe I shouldn't tell you about that. My dream vacation has always been to go to Alaska so if I tell you to enter the sweeps, you'll lessen my chances! Oh what the heck! Go ahead and enter but can I be one of your 4 if you win? Please?

Oh and there's more! I'll prescribe one lucky blog reader a bottle of Vaseline Clinical Therapy Lotion from me. All you have to do is go watch the videos and leave a comment on my blog telling me which one you liked the most. If you want another entry, post about my give-a-way on your blog and come back here and link me to your blog and your name goes in twice.

Please make sure I know how to get in touch with you so if you win, I'll be able to contact you so I can get your prize to you. It would be a shame if I had to keep your bottle for myself! I'll keep this contest open for a week. I'll draw a name sometime on January 10th and post the winner then.

Good Luck!

Have Fun!


  1. I'm going to just have to go out and buy some because I don't want to have to wait to see if I'll win. Thanks for the tip.

  2. By the way, I love your new blog header. It's way cute.
