Hello Everyone!
Welcome to Part 3 in the "Binders Can Organized Your Life Series." It's the Child Edition - Girl/Boy Scouts, Catechism/Sunday School and School Information.
If you missed Part 1, you can click on the first link below to take you there and to see why I'm doing this series and how I store my binders. The second link will take you to Part 2.
Part 1 ~ Manual & Warranties, Holiday Ideas, Decorating Ideas & My Recipes
Part 2 ~ Crafts, Gifts & Tips and Christmas Planner.
There are 2 more weeks of binders and here is the schedule for the next 2 Wednesdays:
Part 4 ~ Home Management Binder
Part 5 ~ Financial Budget Binder
Welcome to Part 3 in the "Binders Can Organized Your Life Series." It's the Child Edition - Girl/Boy Scouts, Catechism/Sunday School and School Information.
If you missed Part 1, you can click on the first link below to take you there and to see why I'm doing this series and how I store my binders. The second link will take you to Part 2.
Part 1 ~ Manual & Warranties, Holiday Ideas, Decorating Ideas & My Recipes
Part 2 ~ Crafts, Gifts & Tips and Christmas Planner.
There are 2 more weeks of binders and here is the schedule for the next 2 Wednesdays:
Part 4 ~ Home Management Binder
Part 5 ~ Financial Budget Binder
Okay! Let's get started on The Child Edition!
If you have kids, you know they bring enough paper home to wallpaper the whole house. . . on a weekly basis! Seriously, it can just pile up if you don't take control.
I created binders for each activity that my daughter participates in. However, as I was taking this picture, I realized there wasn't very much inside these binders. Each activity certainly doesn't warrant having a binder of it's own. So with that being said, this week I am going to downsize it all into one binder with tab dividers. I've been needing to make a binder for her gymnastics anyway, so now I can just consolidate all of Allison's activities into one binder.
What do I keep in these? I keep anything that has to do with that activity. Phone lists, schedules, copies of forms filled out, etc. If you have more than one child, make a binder for each one. It will definitely cut down on all that paper clutter!
If you have kids, you know they bring enough paper home to wallpaper the whole house. . . on a weekly basis! Seriously, it can just pile up if you don't take control.
I created binders for each activity that my daughter participates in. However, as I was taking this picture, I realized there wasn't very much inside these binders. Each activity certainly doesn't warrant having a binder of it's own. So with that being said, this week I am going to downsize it all into one binder with tab dividers. I've been needing to make a binder for her gymnastics anyway, so now I can just consolidate all of Allison's activities into one binder.
What do I keep in these? I keep anything that has to do with that activity. Phone lists, schedules, copies of forms filled out, etc. If you have more than one child, make a binder for each one. It will definitely cut down on all that paper clutter!
This binder has saved my life! Well. Not really. BUT it has kept me organized with all the goings on of school stuff. I have made one of these binders every year since Allison started school. I will tell you that I touch this binder every day! It is my most frequently used binder. I don't keep them every year because as you'll see, it's not necessary to keep all of what I put in there. I just keep reusing the binder every year. A little note here is that I use a 2" binder for this one. I use to use a 1" but as she has moved along in school, there seems to be more that comes home.
This is the cover. I have Allison's name, the name of the school, the grade, the teacher and so on. You could probably leave it plain but I like to pretty things up. :)
Where do I put all of the work papers and tests that Allison bring home?
Ooooh, you are asking about the 876 papers that come home in ONE DAY?
Well. Do you see that basket in the picture above?
Yes, that's the one. The pretty one.
It houses all of my active files that I use frequently. That's a whole other post but a couple of folders in that basket are for Allison's work papers and tests. I look at them when they come home and then place them in the files. At the end of the quarter, I go through them and decide what I want to keep and then the keepers get put into my file box that I keep in my Command Center. If you can throw them out, more power to you. I'm a little more emotionally attached to anything my daughter completes. I find that if I wait and have a whole stack, I become more detached to them. However, I would recommend not throwing out the tests until after the grading period. Everyone makes mistakes and a teacher can make one recording your child's grade. You want to make sure you have the back-up to support any incorrect grade.
I hope you enjoyed Part 3 in the "Binders Can Organize Your Life Series" and be sure to come back next Wednesday for Part 4.
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Works-for-me Wednesday at We Are THAT Family
Show and Tell Wednesday with Blue Cricket Design.
I'll be sharing this series at both places.
Have Fun!
this is a great tip :D no doubt i'll be using something like this as my son gets older.
Going to have to peruse all your ideas when I have a little bit more time. So inspiring!
Ooh, this is so inspiring! My child is starting kindergarten this fall, and I know the paperwork is going to get more complicated. Thanks for these great tips to help me plan how to organize it before the deluge begins!
I was a Girl Scout leader for several years and got a lot of benefit from keeping a well-organized troop leader's binder. If I had 15 kids myself, I know I would need such a system for daily life--but you've just convinced me it would be very useful even for one kid!
I love all your details on the binders. Did I miss the last 2 parts? I'm really excited to see your Home Management one. Thanks again for sharing these with us.
I love your binder system! I have been looking to implement one in my house and I think I'm going to model mine on yours.
You said in an earlier post that you'd be happy to e-mail the pretty covers you created for each binder. Would you mind sending them my way? actingadult at gmail dot com. Thank you!
By the way, I can't seem to find the post on the Home Management binder. Is it still coming? I'd love to see it!
I love your binders, I just purchased one from target and I will be putting all the papers in sometime this week, I can't wait!!!!! Do you have the covers? I dont know if I could make them pretty like yours! Thank you
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