Miss Allison turns 7 on Wednesday. I know! I can't believe it either! Anyway, I decided not to do our traditional BIG birthday party this year. My family and my best friend's (Susan) family got together for a mini party at Susan's house. We had a late lunch/early dinner, watched Allison open presents, sang "Happy Birthday," ate birthday cake, hula hooped (Okay, I didn't but the kids did!) and laughed.
It was THE perfect party!
I'll share more pictures over the next couple of days. I wish I could do it now but I need to go get ready for work. I have a long day today and then I don't work again until next Monday (wooo hooo!), so I'll have plenty of time to share this week...and I'll have more to share too! I have a couple of recipes which are my favorite party foods to share with all of you. Also, we are getting together with Curtis's family on Thursday for Allison's birthday and we also have our traditional birthday dinner out with Allison on her actual birthday. Gosh! This birthday is turning into a week of celebrations!
Have Fun! Pin It
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