Seriously friends. Does any of your daughters love Medusa? Please tell me that my daughter is not the only one that finds beauty in her hissing serpant covered head. Please tell me that your daughter has a bust of Medusa in her room too! There has to be some other Mother out there that is freaked out by her daughter's interests like I am sometimes freaked out by mine. I'm learning to go with the flow of Allison's likes and dislikes but this is just too weird.
We picked up this "lovely" lady last week at Michael's craft store. It was one of their Halloween decorations that they had for 80% off. She saw it and immediately fell in love with it. She asked if she could have it for her room. At first I said "NO WAY, NO HOW" but I've learned over the years that she is her own person and things like this make her happy. So after some coaxing from Allison, I gave in.
I did suggest that we paint it pink, purple or a bright green to make it "fit" into her room as best we could. She hestitated at first but then thought it might be an okay idea. Time will tell what color, if any, we end up painting her.
Any votes out there in blogland?
I don't know if painting it will make me less freaked out by her or not but we'll see.
I really need to move it up to Allison's room because I think she's starting to come to life! Right now it's on the counter and I swear she trys to freak me out when we are the only ones up late at night.
Doesn't she look mean?
I don't think she likes me!
Seriously. She has two sides. Aren't we lucky? Did you sense the sarcasm in that?
And of course Miss Allison LOVES the scary side!
Yup! That's my Princess!
Allison and I keep playing a game where we each turn her around to the side we like....okay...I mean the side I can tolerate.
I can't even imagine what she likes about this face!
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