I have this space on the end of my cupboard which is the first thing you see when you walk into my kitchen. It's boring. I've changed what I've had there many times...never being satisfied. I can't have anything too thick because you could hit it with your shoulder if you walk to close to the cupboard.
So while perusing the Goodwill store, I found this picture. Isn't it pretty? Well. I'm sure it was at one time but now it is quite faded. However. It is the exact size I was looking for and the frame has a low profile. Yes! It's perfect for what I had in mind! Score! I paid my $2.99 and went on my merry way!
I also spray painted the glass with chalkboard paint...four coats. For those of you who don't know, you can get the chalkboard paint in spray or liquid and use a brush to apply it.
I'm planning on repainting my kitchen and changing it up a bit. I wanted to introduce a red/burgundy color as an accent color. This frame came out exactly how I had imagined it and I'm very pleased with the results.
Here is my cupboard before......and here it is after.
My plan is to write my week's menu plan on it but I only have sidewalk chalk right now and the lines are too thick. As soon as I get to the store for smaller chalk, I'll post our weekly menu for the family. This will help me too because right now, I have to run to the computer and pull up my blog to see what I'm making for dinner! Oh, the memory is going!
*I'm linking up with Kimba at A Soft Place to Land for her DIY day.
Have Fun!
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That is so freaking cool! You are so creative!!!!
WOW!! It looks great!!!
Very nice! I've been looking to do one of these- never thought to paint the glass- DUH! haha, Great Job!!
Looks great. Everytime I see the chalkboard posts I get more motivated to make one myself, they are so cute.
looks great!
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