Thursday, May 29, 2008
Happy Birthday Allison!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
My House Smells So Good & An Ouch!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Guess Who Turned 1 Year Old Last Week????
This is a little blurry but Aunt Cindi bought some gourmet dog treats at a "Just Dogs Gourmet." Can you say $15.00 a pound???? And you thought gas was high! I got her peanut butter stars, chicken fingers (in the shape of little hands...too cute) and little bones that were dipped in peanut butter, yogurt and carob. I packaged them in little cellophane bags tied with paw print ribbon. I then put them all in the little paw print bag. Too festive if I do say so myself!
Yum! She loved it!
Cake and ice cream time! Please notice the cups and plates...they have little doggies on them!
Here is the close up of the cake. The cupcake cake to be correct. Yes I made it. I just whipped it up in 5 1/2 hours...from start to finish! If you click on it, you may be able to view a closer look of the icing. It looks like fur. I tried to make it look like Ginger. She has that little "V" of brown on the top of her head. Also, her white isn't even on the sides of her nose thus the reason it isn't even on the cake either. The piping of the icing on the cake took 2 1/2 hours. The rest of the time was for baking 2 batches of cupcakes...one chocolate and one vanilla. As you can see I used the chocolate for the ears. All of the icing is vanilla and an old family recipe. I made four batches and ended up using about 3 1/2. I had to use the whole 1 oz. container of Wilton brown paste coloring to get the brown color. My sister liked it and that was my goal. My brother made some off handed comment about knowing whose going to be making all of the cakes in the family. If you know my brother, that is his way of giving a compliment. I'll take it!
Overall I think the party was a success. My sister also had dinner for us too but the only picture she got was of me feeding my face...which is not a picture I will share with all of you! Alesia also made gift bags for all the kids with a ton of stuff in each of them. We enjoyed ourselves. I think Ginger did too!
Happy Birthday Ginger! May you have many more spoiled years ahead of you!
"A dog is the only thing on earth that will love you more than you love yourself."
- Josh Billings
Have Fun!
Pin ItTuesday, May 20, 2008
A Quick Post Before I Go To Work!
That's right! My lilac bush is starting to bloom!!
What a great way to start the day!
Have Fun!
Pin ItMonday, May 19, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
A Rainy Sunday Morning!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Too Good NOT To Share!
Definitely A Dinner Repeat!

The prep was super easy. I just had to cut the boneless, skinless chicken breasts into strips and marinate it in a plastic bag with 2 tablespoons oil and 1/4 cup of water for 15 minutes. I used that time to clean and cut the peppers and a medium onion. And the best part...it all went into one large skillet! All I used to make this very flavorful dinner was a cutting board, a knife, a large skillet and tongs to move the food around in the pan. That's it! Easy Peazy Lemon Squeezy. (as Allison would say) I served it with warm flour tortilla shells, shredded lettuce and shredded cheddar cheese. You could add diced tomatoes, sour cream, guacamole and salsa also if you like. I also thought about making rice but I'm glad I didn't. We didn't need it and all left the table full.
After I started cooking it, Miss Allison wasn't too sure about her choice of dinner. I told her that I could take out the peppers and onions for her and she could just have the chicken, cheese and lettuce. Her reply was "No, I think I want to try those." Good girl! However, after we assembled her fajita, she turned up her nose and complained that it was yucky and didn't want it. Curtis told her that Mommy doesn't make anything bad (thanks Honey!) and she needs to eat it. I told her just to try it. She whined. We left her alone. Moments later I saw her out of the side of my right eye take a little bite. Then Daddy noticed she took a BIG bite! He commented and she started with "MMMmmmm!" Yay! She loves it! She ended up eating the whole thing and wanted another one. As she was eating her second one, I told her that I wanted to take her picture to send to my Mom (who is at my sister's this week so she can see it on my sister's computer). Allison asked if I was going to put the picture on my blog. LOL! I said "sure." She told me to tell the people on my blog that she ate 2 fajitas! She actually ended up eating one and a half but was so proud for trying something new. I'm proud of her too! She's very good at trying new things. We have the two bite rule in our house. She has to try two bites of something before she can say she doesn't like it. There's actually not too much that she doesn't like. She even tried artichoke hearts on Mother's Day. She didn't like those but she did try them. Curtis wouldn't.
“Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.”
Have Fun!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A First Grade Field Trip!

A week ago today, I volunteered to go on Allison's field trip. We went to Youngstown, Ohio to see "A Year with Frog and Toad." It coincided with their school studies. We went to the Youngstown Playhouse and all I can say is that I'm sure it is not what it once was. As Allison's teacher commented, it certainly looked better on the website than it did in real life. I guess a picture isn't always worth a thousand words. Lesson learned. The play itself was cute. I guess. We had a couple of first grade boy critiques behind us. They weren't too impressed.
Anyway, I enjoyed most of my day. There was a last minute cancellation from one of the chaperons so Allison's teacher picked an alternate. Fortunately for me, it was Allison's best friend's Mom. We've talked a couple of times on the phone, met in person before and did the Valentine's Day party together. This gave us the opportunity to visit on the bus for the over an hour trip back and forth to the playhouse. I like her...a lot! I'm not getting too excited here but I think I may have my first Mom friend here in this town! I am so pathetic! I miss having friends close by to do things with. I've always had friends that live close to me. When I moved here I didn't know a soul. And I pretty much still don't. It's really hard to meet friends if you work an hour away from where you live and don't have much time for anything else. I know my neighbors but unfortunately I think the youngest is pushing 70. There isn't anything wrong with that either, it's just nice to have friends with the same interests to chat with or do things with...and ones who don't live an hour away! Okay, let's get back to the field trip! The picture below is of Miss Allison and her best friend Miss Lena. They are just about the same size and are so adorable together! I pulled the camera out and asked them to pose. They immediately hugged each other! So sweet! On a side note: I had emailed my sister the picture over the weekend while she was talking to Allison on the phone. Apparently she asked Allison if that was her friend. Allison's response was "I wouldn't be hugging a stranger, would I?" Oh! Out of the mouth of babes!
Have Fun!
Pin ItYou've Got To Love Popsicle Sticks!
She also completed a Mother's Day book. This is too cute and I will save it forever! She spelled the words that she didn't know in her "turtle talk." This is when she says the words slowly to herself and sounds it out. Too funny! The part in black is what was printed for them and then they had to finish the sentence.
- My Mom is as pretty as a kittin and a cat and a puppy. Puppys are pretty. I love puppys and dogs! They keep you bizzy. Thats why I like puppys. I wish you could get free gas!
- My Mom is so smart! She even knows that a tomato is a fruit and a lielack can grow on a tree or a bosh! And any questun I ask her. And who my firends are.
- My Mom is special because she is funny!
- I like it when my Mom sings silly songs that is hlaryes! (hilarious)
- My Mom is so strong! She can even lift the holiday tree! Lift me I em geting hever (hevier) and she dosn't lift me alot.
- My Mom helps me by backing my birthday cake.
- My Mom can do many things! I think she's the best at cooking. Loveing. Huging. And kissing and calling my cats and holding them for a long time.
- My Mom has a pretty smile! I like to make her smile by having the cats atack me. That makes her laugh and my dad laugh too!
And then it is signed:
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 08, 2008
Some People are Just Born Lucky!
Have Fun! Pin It
Sunday, May 04, 2008
An Elementary Art Show!
Mr. B. also did something else when he put this show together. He also inspired me. Well the student's artwork inspired me but I wouldn't have seen it if he hadn't put on the art show. It took me back to when I was in school. When my favorite subject was art. I looked forward to it every year. My art teacher was Mrs. Louise Librich. She was the best. I loved her and fortunately since I went to a small country school, I had her from elementary all the way through to high school when I took art as an elective. I miss those art classes. I miss being creative. I miss my art supplies. I miss getting my hands dirty with chalk pastels, paints and clay. I need to change that. I will change that. Allison's favorite thing to do is create with crayons, markers, scissors, glue, tape, etc.. I'm sure she would love it if I helped expand her creativity in a new direction. I'll have to work on that. Don't worry, I'll be sure to share our adventure with all of you.
"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up."