I added some hot glue to one of my circles in a pretty decorative fashion. Ha! Who am I kidding? I just squirted it around the frame!
Okay. Now it's time to start hot gluing the eggs down. Look at the top right of the photo. This is where I started. I put a little glob of hot glue on the bottom of the green one and set it down on the cardboard with the fat end on the inside. Make sure you place the eggs horizontal on the board. Do not have them standing at attention or tilting upward. Next I placed the pink egg next to the green one and put one small dab of glue in between the two to connect them. You could probably see it if you click on the picture to enlarge it. Next I added the purple one and connected it to the pink and green one with more glue. To sum this up, you will have glue on the bottom of all the eggs to adhere it to the cardboard and anywhere it touches another egg, you'll need to put a little dab on it too. This will build a nice and sturdy wreath. As you can see with the first three eggs, the purple one nestles right in with the other two. As you work around the wreath, this is not the case with every egg. Look at the next two (yellow & blue). The blue can't quite nestle in between the yellow and pink. Not a problem. Just make sure that when you continue with your wreath, your outside eggs are facing out like a sunburst and your inside eggs are facing inward to a center point. Do not worry about the gaps where you can see the cardboard. We'll fix that later.
When you get to the end, you will probably not have enough to finish out the wreath. This is PERFECT! You will need that space to put a bow there. By the way, I picked up these pearlized eggs at Big Lots. We loved them!
Here's Kelly modeling the latest in Easter fashions!
Okay, the next step is to put the top layer on the wreath. I used 10 eggs...2 of each color. All I did was place them in a random fashion. You can look at the first picture for the example. You can place them over the places where you have the biggest gaps and then fill in or whatever you like. You will need to hot glue these down everywhere they touch another egg.
Next is where we did some grass! LOL! It's my odd sense of humor but I think that's funny!
Anyway....start with a little grass and using your pencil as a tool push some grass with the eraser into the gaps of your wreath. Start with the the gaps under the top layer of your eggs. Then you will need to put them between the outside rim of the bottom layer of eggs. In the space where the gap is, put a little bed of hot glue and let it cool a few second and then put some grass there to cover the cardboard.
Here Dawn shows you how it's done. Do not try to shove too much grass in the gaps. If you press too much in there it will act press against the eggs and pop them apart. You really just need a little to cover up the gap and add sparkle.
Nettie and Kelly used the bright colored eggs and they came out adorable too!
Here's Susan D. on the left with her pink grassed wreath and Cindy on the right with your her yellow grassed wreath. Don't they look proud?
After you are done "grassing" your wreath, trim the fly-a-ways from the outside of your wreath to shape your wreath.
Don't forget to trim the inside too!
Next you'll need to make a bow or if you want, find someone to make it for you. This was our most challenging task for our Mom's that night.
Susan C. is a pro at it. She went right to work on hers.
Here I am trying to instruct Dawn on the bow making process.
Nettie's doing well and hers came out great!
Oh my! Can you tell that Dawn is really stressed about the bow?
We'll have to have a bow class!
Add the bow to your wreath in the space not covered by the eggs and add a pipe cleaner to the back to make a hanger for the wreath and you're done!
This month's Moms showing their wreaths proudly. From left to right are: Cindy B., Susan C., Dawn, Me, Susan D., Kelly and Nettie.
WOW, they all look beautiful can't wait to get mine made. Cindi you are a great teacher everyone just loves MCN. I WILL make the next one. Thanks for sharing all of you ideas and tallent.
I love that wreath. It's so cute!
Wow, those wreaths are beautiful! Now I need to go buy some eggs & make one for our front door. Thank-you so much for sharing the instructions :)
Those are so adorable. I think I may have to make one. Very, very, cute.
they are adorable! I want to go home and make one right away!!
Came over from Tip Junkie, and those are so cute, me and my mom are going to make some this weekend!
I saw this on tip junkie and had to come and see how it is done.
So easy and cute!
I also caught a ride over from Tip Junkie; my sister and I were just talking about trying to make one of these-- thanks for the great tutorial!! Now I am inspired! :)
Count me as another follower from Tip Junkie.
I LOVE the wreath! I'm off to the dollar store for some eggs.
Thanks for sharing.
I'm also a tip junkie linker, and I LOVE this! I am so going to make it! Thanks for the cute idea.
I love it! I bought grass and a bunch of eggs to make a cone shaped tree, but it looked ridiculous!
I have cardboard, so I'm going to have to try this.
What do you do with the 2nd cardboard circle??
Those are so cute! I need to try that. I have tons of plastic eggs sitting around from last year.
Too bad I can't make a bow.
I LOVE THIS!!! I will be making this you can count on it!
I cut out my cardboard this morning and just came back to reread the instructions, so I can start.
I want to come to your craft parties!
These look fantastic! I came over from Tip Junkie and I am glad I did!!
I LOVE your crafty ideas! I plan to make at least two wreathes tomorrow and two more the next day!
Thanks Keep crafting I need more things to do with all my time
I Love this idea! I was dying to have a new Easter door hanger and Voila...here it is!
Yep, I came from Tip Junkie too! This is a REALLY cute project. I'm taking off 3 days next week to be with my daughter and her small girls. This will be a great project for us to do with them. I can't wait to have time to read through the rest of your blog.
Beautiful, I had to come buy and read a better description as I am out the door to the craft store to get all the stuff I need to make one! Love it, thanks for the detailed tutorial.
thanks for posting such an exact tutorial. i think it might be my next project.
I'm from tip junkie too... I can't wait to make this! so cute!
Thanks for sharing - what a fun group. I think I will make a few of these for myself and gifts!
That's adorable, I'm totally going to make one! Someone: how do you make the bow?!
lovvve it!!!!!
you'll did such a good job too.
can't wait to try this project, might have to buy a bow though! lol!
I love this! I plan on buying the materials on my luch break tomorrow and then making it later in the week! I'll post pictures after I make mine!
Thanks for the step by step guide!
I did this with my mom and sis. I linked to this post from my tipsy blog. Hope you don't mind. :)
This is so adorable. I love it! Thanks for the instructions!
Just finished my wreath today. Thanks for the instructions! I liked back to you on my blog, you are welcome to check out how it turned out. (though my bow tying skills were definately lacking)
What a great idea! I'm so excited to go make one of these!
I loved your tutorial! So step-by-step! Thank you!
Thank you for this! I made one last night and love it! (Besides the glue gun burnt-finger incident of course)...
Wonderfully easy fun project! :)
PS - I blogged about it and linked your blog...I hope you don't mind! :) www.sunnylifeofmine.blogspot.com
Found you from Southern Hospitality site. I love your wreaths and will definitely be making one this year. Thanks for sharing!
This is the best ever! My momma and I are going to do this together, when she visits! Thanks for much for sharing!
Thanks for the great idea!
Here is mine! I linked my post to your blog, I hope that is ok!
Thanks for the tutorial. I loved making this wreath and I think the end product was really cute. I put a picture on my blog as well as a link to your tutorial. Thanks for the great info!
I finally made this wreath! Thank you for sharing! All I have to do now is find some pretty ribbon to make a bow. Ihope you don't mind I linked your page.
Oh my Gosh!! Look out Dollar Tree (I saw a big display outside with eggs galore), here I come. What a great idea!!! Wish I was able to come to Mom Craft Night. I'll follow up after I make my wreath. Thanks for a great idea.
Ladies are on their way over as we speak to make our wreaths! Thanks for the great idea! We are all very excited!
How cute! I'm going to make one for my mother. she LOVES to have a seasonal wreath on her door. Thanks!
I can't remember where I found the original link to your blog, but I'm so glad I did! I wanted to come back the next day to show my daughter your idea and couldn't remember how I got here or the name of your blog. Google came to my rescue and I actually found you via a post you left on someone else's blog! Crazy! Anyway, my 10 year old daughter and I just finished our wreath. It is too cute! I'm seriously thinking of making a couple more to send to relatives far away as a nice Easter surprise. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless! Jen in Oregon
We made them! Mom and my sister came over this week and we got down to business! It was such a blast and you made a super easy tutorial! Thanks so much!! http://ashleeolivia.blogspot.com/2009/04/catch-up-or-ketchup.html here is my link! :)
Thank you so much for sharing the fun! Your photo tutorial is great!
Fabulous wreath!
What a great tutorial and so much fun. You can see what I did with it at my blog www.piccolinadesigns.blogspot.com
Thank you
Cutest Easter wreath I have seen this year. Thanks for the wonderful tutorial. I am going to put this on my to do list for next year!!
Oh - what a fun crafting group! I think I would like to make this wreath next year! Now, I'm off to look around and see what other delightful things you have made! Blessings, Patti
I love this!! So fun and cute!
These turned out super cute, and in turn, inspired my own similar wreath! I posted it with a link back to your wreath (after a helpful blogger showed me where I'd seen it- I remembered seeing it, just not WHERE!).
Thanks for the tute!
I know its been awhile since you made this post, but I love your egg wreath and included on my blog today with great egg wreaths from around the blogosphere. Thanks for sharing!!
- Michele
I love this idea, simple but really has the spirit of Easter. I will have to try it.
love this wreath-stumbled on by chance. i see you are from PA-i have family in shamokin dam,PA. i am hoping to see them in the fall-it has been 4 years. anyway,i feel happy to have found a great crafting group and friend in PA, look forward to more ideas, i am a crafter for many,many years.
I love the Idea, seems like you and your friends had a really great time making it! I'm going shopping today I'm excited!! Thanks for sharing.
This is a WONDERFUL idea!!! I am going to make one. Thanks so much, these are BEAUTIFUL.
Ohhhh. I wanna do this....with friends, like you did!!! What fun. Thanks for sharing! I'm pinning this right now.
Hi Cindi. Thank you for your great instruction and pictures. I made your wreath and posted it on my blog. http://expressionsbyinga.blogspot.com/2012/03/easters-coming.html
It's been awhile since I crafted but you inspired me. Bless You Inga
A friend and I just made this cute wreath! Can't wait to hang it up! Thanks for the east instructions to follow. We loved the picture instructions the best!
Awesome idea. TFS. I think I am going to give this a try. I need some decorations.
My girlfriends and I just finished our wreaths! They turned out great and we had a blast!
Hi there, recently found your wreaths on Pinterest and fell in love with the colors and concept!!! I'm halfway through making mine and love your easy to follow instructions - thank u for sharing! My folks are visiting from SouthAfrica and arrive the day before Easter - this lovely wreath will be hanging on the front door to welcome them. Thank U !!
Hi Cindy! I wanted to start by saying that I have been hoarding this gem since 2010, and have been anxiously waiting to complete it. I enjoyed your easy how to instructions, and have featured you on my blog: http://raysofsunshine-crib.blogspot.com/2012/03/easter-wreath.html
Thanks again for a posting such a great idea, and happy crafting! - Melissa
Casey DeBard
I did this and it was beautiful, BUT my front door got a little warm and they all started falling off :(. Going to have to find another way to adhere.
Thank you for teaching me how to make this wreath. I used a styrofoam board and it came out so colorful. Very fun and now everyone wants me to mak them one. Thanks again. Happy Easter!
Hi Cindi
Love your blog! I saw a pin for this and I made my own version. Thank you for the wonderful idea. I posted a tutorial on my blog with a link to yours
Hi Cindi
Love your blog.Would greatly appreciate your permission to copy directions for plastic easter egg wreath
Hi Cindi I found your wreath from Pinterest and well I made one myself and am posting it on my blog. I wanted to let you know I gave you full credit and sent people over to you if they wanted to know how to do it. Thanks for the great tutorial!!
Hot glue! Genius. When I saw the picture on Michael's store pinterest page, I thought floral wire might be involved (most plastic eggs have holes in the bottom).
I saw this and I had to go out and buy the stuff to make one, it was so much fun. Thank you for sharing your idea.
I made some but instead of the bow, I went to WalMart and got small Easter bunnies and attached them. The turned out adorable.
Really this is superb. thanks for sharing. I enjoyed your post. If love easter anyone so try these easter ideas Decorate Your House & Office on Easter to Welcome the Spring Season
25+ Easter Wreaths To Welcome Spring To Your Door In Style
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