If you read my blog a couple of days ago, I talked about being inspired by
Gina at The Shabby Chic Cottage to complete 10 Tasks in 10 Days. If you missed it, you can click
here so you won't be lost.
Well. So far I have completed 2 tasks and started 3 others. I'm pretty happy with that so far. I am a little worried though because tomorrow is my last day of nice weather for the next 4 days and I have more painting to do!
Oh, I can't think about this now! I'll go crazy if I do! I'll think about it tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day. Oops! Sorry! I got carried away there!
Anyway. Here is the first completed task/project of my 10 Tasks in 10 Days challenge. I'm linking up with Gina for her
Transformation Thursday so after you are done here, head on over there to see what other creative souls have transformed and while you are there grab yourself some inspiration too!
Edited to add: One of my favorite furniture re-doers is having her first linky party. She's a real furniture artist so I'm linking up with her too! Be sure to check her out at Miss Mustard Seed!
Edited Again to add: Another one of my favorite furniture re-doers is having a Before and After Party too so I'm linking up to Jen at Sanctuary Arts at Home too. When you are over there, take the time to look around. She does some amazing stuff!
Oh, and I'm also linking up for DIY Day at Kimba's A Soft Place to Land. There's lots of fun to be had over there but be warned...you'll get sucked in to all the inspiration and wonder where your day went!
Okay, let's get started here. This is the before of the chair. I picked her up at a resale shop that just opened a few months ago. She was asking $30 but considering I had to redo the whole thing, I offered less and we settled on $23. It's a very solid chair so I felt it was a fair price. Isn't she lovely????
Here. Let me give you a close-up! See. She's in sad, sad shape! The pink paint didn't cover the green paint underneath it, the fabric was hot glued down with a few staples and the gimp trim was lifting up. She needed some TLC!

Yum! Red vinyl under all of that!

After sanding and sanding and sanding, I painted her wood the lovely color of
Rustoleum's Key Lime Green! Don't judge me here! This chair is for my 8 year old! What do you call and 8 year old? Is she considered a "tween" yet?

Let me take you in for a closer look but you better get your sunglasses on!

Next I put a layer of batting on stapling it every couple of inches to tack it down.

Then I trimmed the batting.

I didn't take pictures of the steps here but I followed the same steps as the batting. Actually, I just lied to you. I used a spray adhesive on top of the batting to help hold the fabric in place. I was afraid that if I didn't stick it to the batting then it would slide every time Allison sat on it and put pressure on the fabric at the staples. I didn't want it to tear because as you can see, this is not upholstering fabric. I took a chance here but I wanted this fabric because it was the perfect color and softer than you can imagine. I used a bazillion staples to make sure this fabric isn't going to move!

Here are the steps for covering the seat. It's basically what I did with the back.

Sprayed a light layer of adhesive on the seat.

I placed the batting on top of the seat. After it was secure on the top, sides and corners, I trimmed the bottom flush with the lines of the seat.

Then I sprayed the batting with adhesive and added the fabric. Again, I used a bazillion staples to be sure the fabric wasn't going to move!

Ta Da! Wait! It's not done yet!

What am I going to do about all these staples???? Wait! I know! I'll cover them with twisted cording in the third color of Allison's room! Grape!

Oh no! No one local sells it in grape and I'm too impatient to wait for it to come in the mail from an online source. So. What's a girl to do? Dye her own! I found this really awesome dye that I used for the first time. I LOVE it! It's made by Dylon and you can use it on cotton/polyester. The color is amazing! I used
"intense violet" and it came out exactly how I wanted it to!

Now isn't this much better?

Here she is done! This is in full sunlight so she's a little bright.

Here she is in Allison's room. She doesn't look so good in this pic because she is a HARD color to photograph! The Key Lime comes out NEON! This pic was taken with a flash and the pic at the top of this entry was taken without one. I like the top one better. It's more realistic.

Thanks Gina for your inspiration! I didn't think I was going to get this done until spring. It's because of you that I threw caution to the wind and got my hiney in gear!
Now I've got to run and get moving on another task!
Have Fun!
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