Saturday, November 03, 2012

Finally a Welcome!

We live in a townhouse and unfortunately there isn't a whole lot of opportunities to show your personality on the exterior of your home. The homeowners association frowns upon changing any exterior colors. If I had my way, my front door wouldn't be white but it is what it is so I make the best of it. Actually, maybe it's a good thing I'm not allowed to paint my own front door....I do have pink, green, tan and lilac walls on the inside of my home! Gosh, can you imagine if we were all allowed to paint our own colors on the outside? It would probably look like Willy Wonka threw up!

Anyway. A couple of years ago, I ordered the word "Welcome" in black vinyl to put on my front door. It's been sitting on top of my refrigerator ever since it came in. I'm kind of getting tired of moving it when I dust up there so it was time to put the puppy on the front door! Actually, I didn't want to put it on because the front door needed painted and who has time to paint the front door? Not me! Well the HOA hired someone to paint all of our front doors. Bonus!!! Lucky for me!!!

What do you think?

 I know it has been around blogland for sometime and it's old news but I LOVE it! 

It just sets us apart from the other front doors!

I think Mr. & Mrs. Pilgrim love it too!

(Sorry for the glare from the storm door!)

Have Fun! Pin It

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